We developed the St.Gallen Innovation Culture Navigator based on our experience in the field of innovation culture and our observations over many years of supporting innovation projects.

Oliver Gassmann

(Prof. Dr.) is Professor for Innovation Management and the Director of the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St.Gallen.

Christoph H. Wecht

(Prof. Dr.) is Professor of Management at the New Design University (NDU) in St. Pölten. He has extensive experience in industry and research.

Christoph Meister

(Dr.) is the CEO of the BGW AG. He has several years of industry experience as a corporate innovation manager.

Raphael Bömelburg

is a research associate at the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St.Gallen. He was active in the start-up sector in California.

The Institute of Technology Management at the University of St.Gallen (ITEM-HSG) was founded in 1989 and aims at generating new knowledge for science and practice. Practical relevance is achieved by cooperating intensively with companies in the Swiss, as well as the European economic area. One of the topics which the ITEM-HSG has been dealing with for almost twenty years is innovation management – particularly the respective success factors of the most innovative companies. The ITEM and the BGW AG Management Advisory Group developed the St.Gallen Innovation Culture Navigator to guide management and company executives on the topic of innovation culture.

new insights
from research and practice

Founded as a spin-off of the Institute of Technology Management at the University of St.Gallen, the BGW AG Management Advisory Group has its finger on the pulse of the times and shapes the interface between business and science. BGW AG specializes in consulting for companies of all sizes and industries, with a clear focus on innovation management, digital transformation, and IP solutions to protect intellectual property. The BGW AG's goal is to make leading companies and organizations more successful. The company's success is based on many years of practical experience, close links with science, and individually tailored cooperation with our customers.